Adolescente: Ato Infracional e Medidas Socioeducativas


  • Mário Luiz Ramidoff Desembargador no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Paraná; Mestre (PPGD-UFSC), Doutor (PPGD-UFPR), e Pós-Doutor (PPGD-UFSC); Professor Universitário (Unicuritiba e Uninter)
  • Luísa Munhoz B. Ramidoff Assessora no Ministério Público do Estado do Paraná; Mestranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito do Unicuritiba



Adolescent, Infraction, Protective measures, Socioeducative measures, Differentiated accountability


The purpose of this article is to study and research the differentiated responsibility of adolescents who are attributed to the practice of conduct considered to be in conflict with the law. Differentiated accountability can be achieved through judicial determination of compliance with protective measures and socio-educational measures. The infraction acts are normatively similar to the conduct, then, typified as sub-factual (nucleus of the penal type) of crimes and criminal contraventions, but with these they are not confused. Socioeducative measures, likewise, can not be taken as criminal sanctions, given that they have as a guiding vector preferentially the pedagogical character, and not, differently, the repressive-punitive.


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How to Cite

Ramidoff, M. L., & Ramidoff, L. M. B. (2018). Adolescente: Ato Infracional e Medidas Socioeducativas. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 4(6), 209–226.

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