Information integrity: interfaces between law and artificial intelligence C20 2024/ G20/WG7 - digitalization and technology
information Integrity, Right, Artificial intelligenceAbstract
Summary In 2024, Brazil is the host country of the G20, among several global economic topics, the digital economy gains prominence, due to the changes in paradigms that information technologies bring to the current reality. The regulation of these new digital and social environments is necessary. The problem of misinformation and fake news associated with the development of disruptive technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), brings ethical and legal reflections to the design of regulatory frameworks. If necessary, analyze the possibilities for regulation, without losing attention to issues relating to Justice. This is the objective of this article. The methodology used is hybrid, of a descriptive-bibliographic-explanatory nature, with the application of the Aristotelian Topic for constant questioning. The expected result materialized in the proposed interfaces between law and artificial intelligence and the protection of the informational environment, with the regulation of aspects that enable the integrity of information and the protection of human personality.
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