The selectivity of the public sphere and subaltern public spheres: perspectives of Habermas and Nancy Fraser and their impact on human rights public policies
Public sphere, subaltern public spheres, public policies, human rightsResumo
This study examines the selectivity of public and subaltern spheres through the theories of Jürgen Habermas and Nancy Fraser, focusing on their implications for human rights policies. The objectives are defined to analyze Habermas's and Fraser’s conceptualizations of public and subaltern spheres; to identify how these perspectives influence human rights policy formulation and implementation and to explore the challenges and opportunities these theories present for marginalized voices. The study's central issue is understanding the impact of public sphere selectivity on policy inclusivity and effectiveness, hypothesizing that Habermas's and Fraser’s models, though insightful, differ in their implications for integrating subaltern voices. Using a qualitative methodology, the study conducts a literature review and critical analysis of Habermas’s and Fraser's works. It involves reviewing key texts and secondary sources, comparing theoretical frameworks, and examining case studies of human rights policies. The findings show that while both theories offer valuable insights, Fraser’s emphasis on subaltern counterpublics better addresses the need for inclusive policy-making by incorporating marginalized voices.
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