The Historical Construction of Social Rights


  • Everson Alexandre de Assumpção Post-Doctoral Student in Economic Sciences at UNC – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Faculty of Economic Sciences. Doctor of Law from the Universidad Argentina Kennedy (2016-2019). Master’s student in Social Security Law at the Universidad de Alcalá, Spain. 12 Specializations. 7 Scientific Academic Production Awards.



Fundamental Social Rights, Human Rights, Democratic State


It is chosen to develop this topic as a relevant object to the study now undertaken, which is a current and extremely important topic for the political and economic moment currently experienced in the world in light of the principle of prohibition of social retrogression as a result of the dignity of the human person.

For a good understanding of the issue about social rights, it was necessary to draw some preliminary considerations about the historical construction of rights and the relationship with the intervention of the democratic State in the individual sphere as an agent in charge of carrying out and effecting the fulfillment of social values.

This article sought to demonstrate, in a systemic way, the Historical Construction of Fundamental Social Rights. The main objective of this study was to demonstrate the applicability of human rights at the constitutional level, as well as to justify the need for Brazilian society to enforce these rights for the egalitarian construction of a Social State. The doctrine and the Law support and justify this work, which adopted the perspective of Human Rights. The research line is that of Human Rights, while the scientific article is a bibliographic review that used the deductive method, qualitative and descriptive research. As a reference, we used scientific literature and published materials that were pertinent to the purposes discussed here.


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How to Cite

Assumpção, E. A. de. (2022). The Historical Construction of Social Rights. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 8(15), 297–310.