The International Legal-Political instrument for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+): Implementing positive incentives in the context of environmental governance in developing countries' forests from the perspective of International Law Principles
REDD, Global Warming, International Cooperation, Climate changes, Principles of International LawResumo
Global warming is a discussion factor for countries and, therefore, some goals are established to contribute to the reduction and/or stabilization of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Thus, the legal-political instrument for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) comes up, with Christina Voigt as the theoretical framework. Starting from the deductive method of approach, method of monographic procedure and technique of bibliographical research, this article has as general objective to examine the legal-political instrument of REDD+ for the understanding of its meaning and scope and, coming from the principles of International Law, acquire an understanding of how environmental governance can be used to implement this positive incentive in forests in developing countries. Specific goals are settled to understand the meaning and scope of REDD+, to study the principles of International Law that can be applied to REDD+ and to analyze environmental governance for the implementation of REDD+ in forests in developing countries. In this context, it was possible to conclude that the principles of international law provide sustainability, through environmental governance, for the application of the REDD+ instrument in developing countries, contributing to the phenomenon of decreasing deforestation and forest degradation as part of the global efforts and actions to achieve the goal of stabilizing and/or reducing carbon emissions. Thus, this research can contribute to future studies for the implementation of REDD+ in developing countries.
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