El Poder de las Élites que nos Gobiernan. A Propósito de Vilfredo Pareto, Gaetano Mosca y Robert Michels
Power, rulers, governed, elites, politicsAbstract
Today’s crisis is noticeable, and it is more noticeable, in the lack of values, in the lack of integrity, in addition to the lack of capacity of many of those who represent us and many of the wealthy elites. There is a perception that those who govern us are usually the ones with best social status, and that the only major interest of them is to maintain their privileged and particularistic status of wealth and, that the governed, only are cared when they are useful as instruments to access and keep power. This leads me to think about: how is it that rulers seize power? How do they keep it? and how do they lose it? This paper answers these three questions based on the magnificent theoretical essays of Vilfredo Pareto, Gaetano Mosca and Robert Michels. Two Italians and a German, respectively, all of them essayist from the first eight decades of the twentieth century, whose theories can be perfectly applied to answer the contemporary questions of our 21st century society.
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