Social risks and the need for adherence to the principle of equality regarding women´s access to social security benefits
Gender Inequality, Social Security Benefits, Women, Access, Labor Market, Social Security ReformAbstract
Gender inequality in Brazil manifests comprehensively, impacting women's relationship with Social Security and access to pension benefits. The research problem in this article arises from substantial challenges in pursuing retirement due to low income, labour market informality, and women's frequent financial dependence on their partners. The 2019 Pension Reform exacerbated this situation by reducing the value of death benefits, disproportionately affecting women as primary beneficiaries. This context supports the hypothesis that being a woman and accessing pension and assistance benefits to ensure a dignified life presents a considerable disadvantage. Given this panorama, the primary objective of this article was to provide a critical and updated synthesis of gender inequality in accessing pension benefits in the Brazilian context. The research methodology employed represents a comprehensive qualitative review of the pre-existing literature and documents in the pension field, exploring academic sources, government reports, and expert articles. As a result, the research highlighted the imperative need for public policies to promote gender equality in the labour market, reduce wage disparities, and establish pension criteria more favourable to women. Such policies should recognize the specific needs of women, ensuring their full enjoyment of pension rights.
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