O Sistema de Seguridade Social no Brasil como Importante Alicerce para a Efetivação dos Direitos Sociais
Social Rights, Social Security, Efectiveness, Public Policies, JudicializationAbstract
With the advent of the 1988 Federal Constitution, the social rights were highed to authentic fundamental rights category. In this context, with the intention of concretizing the Constitution, the Social Security System was inserted, comprehending the protection to health, social security and assistence. The Social Security as a public policy which uses a method of collective economy is a vital instrument to effectiveness of the social protection and human dignity, due to its representation of a minimum indispensable to its maintenance. The concretization of the Social Security System is near the reserve and the budget limit of the country. In the momento of effectuation of the Social Security as a public policy is noteceable the occurence of some phenomenons as the low politicization and the precise judicialization. In an attempt to discuss this phenomenon, it is proposed the concretizing theme of the social security as a base to the effectuation of the social rights in Brazil. The methodological proposal is the bibliographical and documental researches in order to attend the following concerning: Does the demands displacement of the social security of the Legislative and Executive to the individual solution through Judiciary compromisse its effectivenessas a fundamental right, considering they are social rights which must be attended in a collective level from politics choices? It is understood that the concretization of the social security through Judiciary can compromise the offering of these protections to all the population,what needs to na object of reflection, considering the principle of the human dignity.
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