The Prometheus Revealed in Epimetheus or When the Path of Technoscience Ignores Human Rights


  • Edna Raquel Hogemann Doutora em Direito (UGF), professora associada permanente do Programa de Mestrado em Direito e Decana, da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO. Coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa Direitos Humanos e Transformação Social0 GPDHTS(CNPq).



Technological development, Freedom, equality, social transformation


It analyzes the relationship between the accelerated process of technological development and the resulting consequences that end up interfering in the structure of the rights of freedom and equality, historical achievements of humanity. It focuses on the perverse effects of the progress of technology when focused exclusively on the improvement of techniques themselves and mere profit, to the detriment of reverence and respect for the human person, and the ideals of equality, fraternity and solidarity, proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Rights. Human Rights of 1948. It underlines the relevance of these ideals also enshrined in the current Brazilian constitutional text and the need for their implementation in the perspective of building a more solidary and fairer society, combined with the dangers of their removal in the name of an alleged development. This is a descriptive research, with a dialectical methodology applied to the bibliographic review, in order to promote dialogue between the selected scholars to conclude that any undertaking of technological development must consider prima facie the integral respect for human dignity.


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How to Cite

Hogemann, E. R. (2022). The Prometheus Revealed in Epimetheus or When the Path of Technoscience Ignores Human Rights. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 8(15), 229–245.



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