As Condenações nas Ações Coletivas e a Atuação Executiva na Tutela dos Direitos Fundamentais de Natureza Coletiva
effectiveness of collective judicial protection, appropriateness of the procedure of collective executions, Magistrate performanceAbstract
The effectiveness of judicial protection is closely connected to the implementation of judicial decisions. The conflicts arising from mass society allows violation to a plurality of rights, involving large numbers of subjects, thus requiring legal responses in accordance with the complexity of the factual situation. The judicial response should not adhere to generic directions, otherwise giving rise to the ineffectiveness of judicial protection. The theme of execution of sentence shows fertile ground to scale the role of the judge and the influence of the executive mechanisms available on existing standards for the effectiveness of collective judicial protection. The examination of integrative rules of collective procedural microsystem, combined with those of the Code of Civil Procedure relating to the enforcement of court decisions and being in line with the constitutional principles of the process enables a true adequacy of the executive procedure in class actions such as to provide the effectiveness of collective judicial protection. In this context, the judge’s role is essential to the effectiveness of judicial protection, not being limited to enforce the law and pronounce judgment on the merits, but to the exercise of a power of execution aimed to give effect to his/her own decisions.
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