La Problemática Aplicación De La Prisión Permanente Revisable En El Ordenamiento Jurídico Español (Algunos Matices Desde El Derecho Comparado)
The Reviewable Life imprisonment, Felony, Reintegration, Criminal Law amendmentAbstract
The reform of the Criminal Law by the Bill No.1/2015, of March 30, has meant, among other things, the incorporation of the reviewable life imprisonment, for some serious crimes against life or physical integrity (such as, among others, the aggravated subtype of murder, or regicide). This measure has brought back its possible unconstitutionality and the contradiction about the application of the life imprisonment in a judicial system that, apparently, pursues the prisoners reinsertion in society. However, some recent crimes (some of them committed by repeat offenders), keep open the discussion on its validity, despite the discordant voices that supports its repeal.
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