The Case Fontevecchia and D’amico Against Argentina


  • Everson Alexandre de Assumpção Doctor of Laws from Universidad Argentina J.F Kennedy (2016-2019). Master’s student in Social Security Law at the Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid – Spain, Specialist in Social Security, Criminal, Civil, Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Law. Winner of 5 Academic Excellence Awards from the Latin American Institute of Higher Education-Iesla.



Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Collision of Principles, Right to Privacy, Right to Freedom of Expression, Leading Case


This scientific article was based on a case study, judged by the Argentine Supreme Court. In this process, the author filed a civil action in the civil court to compensate the damage against the authors, understanding that the right to privacy, privacy, honor and image rights were violated. The article sought to analyze the collision of principles, rules, rights and jurisprudence that led the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to rule in favor of Jorge Fontevecchia and Heitor D’amico. These were condemned by the Argentine State for understanding that there was a violation of the Right to Privacy. However, the international court decided to revoke the judgment passed and judged by the Supreme Court of the Argentine Nation, understanding that Fontevechia and D’amigo did not violate the Right to Freedom of Expression, making the action illegal and, therefore, forcing the Argentine State to withdraw the action and also to promote the due reparation of the damages caused to the. On February 14, 2017, the Argentine State rejected the decision of the Inter-American Court, transforming this case into one of the most famous “leading cases” of Argentine international public law. Finally, on October 18, 2017, the International Court issued another resolution to render the sentence in the Fontevecchia y D’Amico case ineffective. It was concluded, therefore, that even with the Argentine constitutional reform of 1994 and the granting of a constitutional hierarchy to international human rights standards, it was defined that the rules of international treaties “do not derogate from the provisions of the first part of the Argentine Constitution” under the terms of article 75, item 22, but attributed to the international treaties a character of complementarity, in addition to the prohibition, provided for in article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, to invoke reasons of domestic law for non-compliance in order to comply with international obligations. For the preparation of this scientific article, the deductive method and qualitative and descriptive research were used. As bibliographic references were used published materials, scientific literature, Law and Jurisprudence that were relevant to the purposes discussed here.


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How to Cite

Assumpção, E. A. de. (2021). The Case Fontevecchia and D’amico Against Argentina. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 7(12), 179–190.