El “Waiver Of Jury Trial” en la Justicia Estadounidense y su Posible Aplicación en el Modelo de Jurado Español


  • Nancy Carina Vernengo Pellejero Profesora asociada de Derecho Procesal de la Universitat de Barcelona (España). Investigadora del Observatorio de los Sistemas Europeos de Previsión Social Complementaria. Abogada. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5107-6457




Jury, Jury Waiver, Due process of law, Jury Act reform


The jury is one of the main procedural institutions of the American justice; and it’s especially linked to the judicial independence and the U.S. Constitution. In this study we focus on one of the prerogatives recognized to the accused: “waiver of jury trial”, or the right to choose to be judged by a professional jury and not by a non-professional one, and the possibility of implementing this institution in the Spanish legal system, as we face a law reform in the Criminal Procedural Law, as well as on the Jury Law Act of 1995 by the Criminal Procedural Law Bill of 2020.



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How to Cite

Pellejero, N. C. V. (2021). El “Waiver Of Jury Trial” en la Justicia Estadounidense y su Posible Aplicación en el Modelo de Jurado Español. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 7(13), 303–315. https://doi.org/10.19135/revista.consinter.00013.14