La Equidad en los Tributos; Necesidad de un Régimen Especial Tributario para el Sector Agrario




agricultural activity, agricultural sector, special tributary regime, special tributary treatment, fiscal incentives, promotion of the agricultural sector


The objective of the present work consists on demonstrating the necessity of a special tributary treatment for the agricultural activity. The formulated hypothesis sustains that premises that base the necessity from an applicable special tributary regime to the agricultural activity exist. The scientific result consists on a systematizing of the premises that you/they argue the necessity of a special tributary regime for the activity agricultural, such arguments they reside in the own definition of the agricultural activity, its peculiar ones as economic activity, its social relevance and politics and its specialty, as well as the fellow’s features that carries out it and the finalists principles that guide to the juridical mark that governs this activity. Firstly, starting from the analysis and the synthesis and of the deductive method, is carried out a juridical theoretical study to the effects of systematizing the arguments in the doctrine that have referred to the necessity of the fiscal incentives guided to the promotion of the agricultural sector. And a second part, a compared juridical study is undertaken guided to identify the most outstanding normative experiences as for the special tributary treatment for the promotion of the agricultural sector.


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a) Doctrina

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b) Textos Legales

Bolivia: Decreto Supremo 24463 de 27 de diciembre de 1996, Establece un Régimen Agropecuario Unificado (RAU) para la liquidación y pago anual simplificado de los impuestos al Valor Agregado.

Brasil: Lei 5764/71, Política nacional de cooperativismo, de 16 de diciembre de 1971, D.O, de 16 de diciembre de 1971.

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España: Ley 27, De cooperativas, de 16 de julio de 1999. B.O.E., Nº 170, de 17 de julio 1999.

Guatemala: Decreto 82/78, Ley General de Cooperativas, de 7 de diciembre 1978.

Honduras: Decreto Ley 65-87, Ley de Cooperativas, de 7 de mayo de 1987.

Nicaragua: Ley de Cooperativas Agropecuarias, de 17 de septiembre de 1981.

México: Ley General de Sociedades Cooperativas, de 29 de julio de 1994, Nueva Ley publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 3 de agosto de 1994, Última reforma publicada en DOF 27-11-2007.

Perú: Ley 27360, Ley de Promoción al sector agropecuario, de 30 de octubre de 2000.

Portugal: Ley 51/96, de 7 de Septiembre de 1996, Código Cooperativo y Decreto -Ley 215 / 89 de 1ro de Julio, Estatuto de los Beneficios Fiscales.



How to Cite

Acosta, R. P. (2021). La Equidad en los Tributos; Necesidad de un Régimen Especial Tributario para el Sector Agrario. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 7(13), 187–205.