The use of new technologies in the injuction phase: tools for an efficient judicial service
Civil Procedure, Effectiveness, Modernization of the Judiciary, Executive PhaseAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze how information technology instruments and tools can make the Brazilian judicial process more efficient, contributing to the speedy resolution of disputes, the primacy of the reasonable duration of processes as a fundamental right, the relief of the Judiciary and its approach to society. Therefore, this work has as theoretical reference the central idea that the adoption of new technologies, mainly those considered as disruptive, have the power to privilege the effectiveness of the jurisdictional provision. Specifically, within the scope of the executive phase, we will seek to study the development of tools at the service of the creditor holding the credit executing, privileging, in the last analysis, the effectiveness in the execution. Through a descriptive and explanatory study, going through an in-depth bibliographic survey, this study has as its main conclusion the imperative of the modernization of the Judiciary Power in the face of new realities arising from the informational globalization movement, being inseparable the relationship between justice and tecnologic innovation.
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