The improvements or “bienhechurías”; notions in the theory one and their juridical régime in the environment of the agrarian usufruct in Cuba
“bienhechurías”, improvements, agrarian usufruct, juridical security, alimentary security, sustainable rural developmentAbstract
The present work intends as objective, to diagnose the relevancy of the effective juridical norms in Cuba as soon as the “bienhechurías” or improvements in the environment of the contract of agrarian usufruct, taking like theoretical budget to the teleologics principles of the Agrarian Law, with emphasis in the alimentary security and the sustainable rural development. It identifies the main deficiencies in the juridical régime of the improvements in the context of the contracts of agrarian usufruct, which affect the juridical security, the investment in the agrarian sector and the human rights of the inhabitants of the field. The work leans on in the theoretical systematizing, in the comparative analysis of the juridical norms and in the juridical exegesis of the effective norms in Cuba. It demonstrates the necessity of normative modifications of agreement with the ends of the Agrarian Law, especially the alimentary security and the sustainable rural development, according to the international doctrine and in correspondence with the rights and guarantees foreseen in the Constitution of 2019.
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