The role of the Manaus Free Zone in environmental responsibility and sustainable development
Manaus Free Zone, Industrial Pole and Manaus, Preservation of the Amazon Rainforest, Environmental responsibility, Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
The Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM) has been the subject of many discussions about its understanding and the benefits brought by its implementation. Hypothesis: Much of the criticism leveled at the economic model pervades the alleged difficulty of other states in competing with the desired tax incentives for the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM), as well as concerns whether such incentives would induce the formation of bases for the development of the region and whether the model really promotes the reduction of socioeconomic inequality, as well as the reduction of environmental deforestation on a considerable scale. This research aims to investigate such questions, including those that guide environmental protection and its relationship with the implementation of the PIM. Methodology: For the development of this article, the hypothetical-deductive method was used through legal interpretation, exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research under the tools of bibliographical, documental and data analysis research. Results achieved and final considerations: the positive influence of the ZFM model was verified not only for the environment but also a positive influence in the socioeconomic scope with impacts that go beyond the regional harvest, making it necessary to ensure the maintenance and improvement of the current model, otherwise, the undoing of the model will bring incalculable negative consequences such as: population evasion, unemployment, a relevant drop in income in the region, reduction in tax collection for all federal levels, in addition to the potential impact of a worsening in education and deforestation of the forest.
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