La Incidencia de la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en los Motivos de Revisión de la Sentencia Firme Penal, a la Luz de la Reforma de la Lecrim
Revision of judgments, final judgments, Causes of revision, European Court of Human Rights, Code of Criminal Procedure, Reform billAbstract
Despite the reforms that has come under our Code of Criminal Procedure, since its implementation more than a century ago, the revision of criminal judgments represents, today, one of the procedural institutions that need an urgent updated. In this regard, one point that deserves special attention is the § 954, which contains the causes for start a revision of a criminal judgment, whose fourth plea (§ 954.4º), has been applied, in some cases, with an important case influence, which has led to the recognition of some “non specific causes of revision” that our lawgiver has included in the Code of Criminal Procedure reform bill. In this regard, the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights are one of the most important “non specific causes of revision”, and for this reason, the lawgiver has added it in one specific section in subsequent texts to reform the Code of Criminal Procedure. However, far from responding to the necessary regulation of this item, the lawgiver seems to have added more complexity to the existing regulation, further limiting their application and adding a time limit in this procedure, for the first time; as can be seen in the Reform bill of 2015, to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure.
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