La Competencia del Tribunal del Jurado: Breve Análisis de la Cuestión Tras el Acuerdo de Pleno de la Sala Segunda del Tribunal Supremo de 9 de Marzo de 2017


  • José María Lombardero Martín Licenciado en Derecho y en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad de Barcelona, habiendo cursado estudios de la diplomatura de Ciencias Empresariales y del Doctorado en Ciencias Políticas, especialidad Teoría Política Contemporánea. Gestor Procesal en la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona, Oficina del Tribunal del Jurado. Publicaciones: “Prueba Civil. Teoría General” Ed. Juruá. Lisboa, 2015



Court of the Jury, Competence Area, Related offences, Jurisprudence, Non-Jurisdictional Agreements of the Supreme Court


This article analyzes the question of the competence of the Jury Tribunal after the new criteria emanating from the Plenum Agreement of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of March 9, 2017. After discussing the issue, we analyze its precedents: the rules contained in the Organic Law of the jury, the Criminal Procedure Law, the evolution of recent jurisprudence and the interpretative criteria contained in the non-jurisdictional agreements of the Supreme Court. The third part is dedicated to analyzing the legislative developments and highlights the changes of the new agreement of March 9 and its possible implications. Finally, a critical reflection on the nature of the institution of the Popular Jury is introduced, in the light of judicial praxis and how an increase in its powers and workload can affect its functioning, which motivates a call to rethink that institution.


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How to Cite

Martín, J. M. L. (2017). La Competencia del Tribunal del Jurado: Breve Análisis de la Cuestión Tras el Acuerdo de Pleno de la Sala Segunda del Tribunal Supremo de 9 de Marzo de 2017. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 3(5), 19–42.