Novas Tendências na Efetivação e Proteção do Direito Humano Fundamental à Moradia
Human rights, Fundamental rights, Housing right, Comparative lawAbstract
It analyzes the concept of adequate housing by identifying the attributes for that qualification as defined by the United Nations, discussing the new trends in the protection of this right from the appreciation of the legislation and decisions of alien courts. Starting from the hypothesis that the judiciary alone does not have the necessary attributes to guarantee the protection and effectiveness of the right to housing, through a bibliographical research based on the dialectical method confronting doctrinal ideas with the intention of identifying the attributes of a decent and hypothetical-deductive, starting from the hypothesis described above, it will be tried to demonstrate the institutional dialogue as inductor and tendency in the protection and effectiveness of this right. Decisions such as those of the South African Constitutional Court ordering the state to gradually implement social rights by fostering institutional dialogue between the other powers and civil society, to the detriment of an activist position; Of the Colombian Constitutional Court recognizing the unconstitutional state of affairs affirming the need to guarantee the minimum protection of the homeless, as well as instituting the dialogue of the other powers with the civil society with certain inspection by the constitutional court or of the decision pronounced by the CDESC-ONU when concluding That Spain has violated a woman’s right to housing – allowing for foreclosure without due process of law – by providing effective redress to the claimant, as well as the implementation of legislative and administrative measures to ensure that foreclosures do not violate the right to housing Have in common the proposition of institutional dialogue, in the same line synthesized by Bateup and Tushnet.
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