A Lavagem de Dinheiro e o Financiamento do Terrorismo no Mercado de Seguros, Capitalização e Previdência Privada Aberta
Money laundering, Financing of terrorism, SUSEPAbstract
This article focus on the emergence of the criminalization of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as well as the conventions and bodies that promote the prevention of these crimes. It also approaches how the current transnational crime – and evolution of how they are commited – as well as the need for fast and constant legislative adaptation and the creation of specialized bodies to combat these crimes. It further discusses the recent interest of criminals in the insurance, capitalization and open private pension market, and thus, it analyzes SUSEP;s Circular nº 612/2020. The methodology used was historical research, addressing the evolution of conventions and legislation on the subject. The objective is to answer the following questions: How did the laws evolve so that they adapt and effectively prevent crime? Which international and national bodies are responsible for this prevention? How do terrorists operate in the insurance market, and what does the program to prevent money laundering and combat the financing of terrorism have in place? It is concludes that the union of countries is essential for the fight against terrorism, as well as the evolution of legislation on the subject, in order to cover all phases of the process, including the raising of resources. We can also conclude that Circular SUSEP nº 612/2020 is in line with the policies on the prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing, as it is aligned with the risk-based approach model.
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