The financial deficit in the social security system
social security, human insecurity, social system, fiscal deficitAbstract
The securities deficit and the dissatisfaction with social solidarity tend to alter the levels of human safety in the context of the contemporaneous social system. The financial insufficiency in the collective society is an affront to the public care duty as a myth constructed in the 20th century. This analysis adopts the values of universal coverage and survivability as essentials for income and maintenance of dignified and basic benefits. The treatment of deficit culture suggests proposals that aim to only reform, but also reduce and/or transform the care structure as well as destabilise and disconnect the societal fabric risking the reintroduction of ample social deprotection. Therefore, the paradox of the language of rights operating both in income and secondary social rights distribution, along with the universal and basic social justice protected by international human rights, is now being confronted with an era of uncertainty provoked by the deficit culture which influences the remission of contributive solidarity and minimises both the right to care and social human safety for present and future generations. We adopt the principles of existential dignity, the theory of necessity, of cooperation and care for the viability of social and human security, the western doctrines of human and social rights and their economic and fiscal analysis on demographics, from the coverage to the actuarial, financial, security and actuarial déficit as well as pensionary risks. In the short term, the deficit in the social security system lead to a tax crisis which invalidate the system of social trust. The Society tied to the culture of systemic deficit fails to assist social security pensioners. This study analyses the uncertainties caused by the environment of constant reform that emerged under the justification of structural tax deficit.
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