Meio Ambiente & Direito Empresarial – Uma Leitura Seniana Sobre A Racionalização do Capital
Environment, Capital Rationalization, Sustainability, Natural Contract, Amartya SenAbstract
The research aims to investigate the rationalization of capital and the social reappropriation of nature. Since the constitutional deal on the environment requires multiple protection that spreads at the economic, ecological and social levels. Environmental protection is contemplated by the principles of freedom and equity and this unveiling will be the backbone of the research. The starting point in the Senian Justice Theory provides a reflection on the overlap of Sustainable Development through the debate on the terms recommended in the Federal Constitution. Debates that pass through the blade of environmental protection and preservation. Complexity and diversity guide the study of the environment. The process of building human dignity advances to the field of sustainability since, more than being the object of study, the environmental issue has a direct influence on human life. Methodologically, it is a purely theoretical study, developed from a bibliographic survey. The central challenge will be the perception of the Senian Justice Theory, aligning the ecosystemic limits of the State and Society with the sewing of environmental protection advocated in the Federal Constitution. This is an article that presents clippings on development and sustainability, given the effectiveness of jurisdictional protection. To fulfill the objective of the chosen approach, we divided what was written in an analysis of Constitutional Hermeneutics and consumer market impositions. It is precisely in this context that we can observe the emergence of eco-development and environmental agendas with a focus in the guidelines of the 2030 agenda.
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