Launch by Ratification. What is the scope of the application of Precedent 555 of the STJ to guarantee Legal Security




Credit tax, Launch by ratification, Launch of the craft, Tax Decay, Precedent 555 of the STJ


The Superior Court of Justice, through Precedent 555, points out 3 (three) requirements so that the statute of limitations, in entries by approval, is counted from the date of occurrence of the triggering event (art. 150, § 4º - CTN): declaration of debt, payment and good faith. The absence of one of these requirements transfers the suspension of this period to the beginning of the following financial year (art. 173, item I of the CTN). The general objective
of the study is to find out the scope of Precedent 555 of the STJ, within the scope of ICMS. In which cases the statute of limitations is counted based on the data on the occurrence of the triggering event and in which cases the statute of limitations is counted from the following fiscal year. The methodology applied was the exploratory deductive method, as analyzing some cases, especially tax benefits declared unconstitutional, Difference in rates - DIFAL and Special Regimes, it was possible to verify in which cases there was launch, payment and, mainly, good faith on the part of the taxpayer. Thus, the following conclusion was reached: the deadline provided for in art. 173, I of the CTN applies in addition to cases of fraud, evasion and conclusion, to cases in which there was a lack of declaration and payment for each specific triggering event. However, even in cases where the tax collector does not make the assessment correctly and the administration needs to register the difference, due to the fact that the taxpayer did not hide the triggering event from the tax authorities, characterizing good faith, I understand that the statute of limitations should be as provided for in art. 150, § 4 - CTN.


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Author Biographies

Rosemary Carvalho Sales, Universidade Católica de Brasília

Mestra em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Brasília - UCB. Conselheira Efetiva do Tribunal
Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais, representante do Distrito Federal. Auditora-Fiscal da Receita do
Distrito Federal. Contato:

Antônio de Moura Borges, Universidade de Brasília

Doutor em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo e pós-doutor em Direito por Georgetown University Law Center - Washington, DC, e pela Universidad Complutense de Madrid, mestre em Direito pela Southern Methodist University School of Law, Ex-professor adjunto da Universidade Católica de Brasília – UCB, professor adjunto, nível 4, da Universidade de Brasília - UnB e Ex-procurador de categoria especial da Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional,


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MELO, José Eduardo Soares de. O Lançamento Tributário e a Decadência. In; MACHADO, Hugo de Brito (coord.). Lançamento Tributário e Decadência; São Paulo: Dialética, Fortaleza: ICET, 2002.

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XAVIER, Alberto Pinheiro. Do Lançamento: teoria geral do ato, do procedimento e do processo tributário. 2° ed. reformulada e atualizada. Rio de Janeiro; Forense. 2001.



How to Cite

Sales, R. C., & Borges, A. de M. (2024). Launch by Ratification. What is the scope of the application of Precedent 555 of the STJ to guarantee Legal Security. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 10(18), 587–606.