Institutionalized violence and public safety: an analysis of the origin of the First Capital Command (PCC)
Criminal Execution Proceeding, Organized Crime, First Command of the Capital (PCC), Human RightsAbstract
This article has as its research object the emergence of the First Command of the Capital (PCC) as a criminal organization born from the violations of fundamental rights and guarantees in the Brazilian criminal execution. To analyze the research problem, the inductive reasoning was used. As for the methodology, the research is part of the great critical-methodological area, and belongs to its legal-sociological aspect. As a hypothesis, it is considered that the punitive power, in the execution of sentences, reinforces, by feeding it back, the system of organized crime. Numerous rights are constantly violated in opposition to the state's failure to combat organized groups, which favors the complexity of criminality. The research aims to contextualize the emergence of the PCC; to analyze the Brazilian penal execution and to make a comparison between the penal operationality and the organized crime. As a result of the development of the research, it was possible to conclude that the PCC is not a new fact, since it was preceded by the Red Falanges and the Black Serpents, and it will not be the last manifestation of organized crime groups if the current situation of violations of fundamental rights and guarantees remains.
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