Simone Weil and the causes of freedom and social oppression


  • José María Lombardero Martín Licenciado en Derecho y en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España, habiendo cursado estudios de la diplomatura de ciencias empresariales y del Doctorado en Ciencias Políticas, especialidad Teoría Política Contemporánea. Autor de la Editorial Juruá. Gestor Procesal del Tribunal del Jurado en la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona.



freedom, oppression, revolution, labor, capitalism, industry, property


The objective of this article is to highlight the contribution of Simone Weil to the philosophical thought on human freedom, based on her essay “Reflections on the causes of freedom and social oppression” written in 1934 and unpublished until its publication by Albert Camus in the year 1955. The hypothesis that I support is that we can find in the text affirmations that are still relevant about the conditions of possibility of human freedom, with implications for Political Theory and that those who position themselves in favour of freedom cannot ignore. freedom. I will carry out a textual analysis of said essay, paying attention to what it says, with a view free of the apriorismus that knowledge of the context and trajectory of the author could provoke; The result is to affirm the condition of Simone Weil as a classical thinker, whose ideas about freedom must be taken into consideration.


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How to Cite

Martín, J. M. L. (2023). Simone Weil and the causes of freedom and social oppression. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 9(16), 217.



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