Las Personas Mayores en el Contexto de la Sociedad Paliativa. Algunas Reflexiones Desde la Filosofía de Byung-Chul Han




elderly, pandemic, palliative society, pain


Pandemic times have brought heath and pain for the disease that has led the SARS-COV-2 virus. Contages, deaths, sequelae of the disease, have shaken the structures of the globalized world, to a greater or lesser extent. The pandemic scenario has been conducive to philosophical reflection and to review social and legal systems that have been shown unable to offer the necessary responses. Older people constitute a vulnerable group practically ignored. This situation has taken a vulnerable collective to light, as is that of the elderly, invisibilized on many occasions and discriminated against in others, who are denied or ignored in the rights they correspond to them. From the works of the Philosopher Byung-Chul Han, a few keys will be drawn to justify that discrimination should be rejected and that are full subjects of law. Topics such as fear – that in the pandemic scenario they have all experienced –, time, the pain – all of them flee – and death-from which few want to remember – they allow understanding both the particular situation that is being lived because of the Covid, as the particular way of living it and experiencing it on the part of the elderly in the context of the Palliative Society. The objective of the work, based on the works of Han, is to offer adequate coordinates to make a call to the need to face the face and voice to which it reaches the age of senest, and impel that, from the ethics of care and From the right, they reinforce the rights they assist them.


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How to Cite

Martín, N. B. (2022). Las Personas Mayores en el Contexto de la Sociedad Paliativa. Algunas Reflexiones Desde la Filosofía de Byung-Chul Han. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 8(14), 153–182.



Direitos Difusos, Coletivos e Individuais Homogêneos