Ainda Somos os Mesmos e Vivemos como os Nossos Pais? Reflexões sobre a Responsabilidade Civil Parental em Caso de Bullying
School Bullying, Responsibility of the educational institution, Parents responsibility, Due diligence, Duty of care, Civil liabilityAbstract
This study addresses the liability of parents for their children’s actions that are under the surveillance of the educational institution and, in this condition, causing damage to others through bullying behaviors. It analyzes situations where the conduct of the child or adolescent is arising of educational deficiency of those responsible or circumstances occurring domestically, and that with the causality, influencing the practice of aggressive attitudes in the context of the educational institution. It develops the particularities and complexities involving the bullying phenomenon, not limiting to the science of law, but also joining interdisciplinary concepts and doctrine specialized, all related to school bullying.
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