A Tutela do Patrimônio Cultural Brasileiro sob a Perspectiva da Proteção do Conhecimento Tradicional Associado ao Patrimônio Genético: os Desafios do Novo Marco Normativo Brasileiro Estabelecidos pela Lei 13.123, de 20.05.2015
Intangible cultural heritage, Cultural property, Associated traditional knowledge to genetic heritage, Federal Law 13.123, dated May, 20, 2015Abstract
This paper analyzes the new legal framework on access to genetic heritage and associated traditional knowledge: the Federal Law 13.123, dated May, 20, 2015. Its regulate the Article 225 of the Federal Constitution and the Convention on Biological Diversity, and reverse the Provisional Act 2.186-16, dated August, 23, 2001. It is an relevant Act that aims to protect the biological diversity and intangible cultural heritage. The specific goals are: to demonstrate the important relation between the protection of the natural environment and cultural heritage, both guaranteed, respectively, in articles 225 and 216 of the Constitution, and to analyze the associated traditional knowledge’s protective legal measures. Therefore, we analyze aspects of the new regulatory framework concerning the protection of traditional knowledge associated and its legal status. Considering the definition of cultural property, we emphasises the importance of the evolution of this concept to intangible cultural heritage.
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