Mediação Humanista: A Mediação como Caminho e o Caminho da Mediação
Humanistic Mediation, Conflict Resolution, Culture of PeaceAbstract
Around the 70s and 80s, a range of social movements, studies and practices has been trying to promote a cultural reversal, spreading the culture of non-violence and peace culture. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) movements and innovative practices which has been inserted in the traditional justice model, such as restorative justice, practiced by Howard Zehr; Humanistic Mediation, created by Jacqueline Morineau and the pedagogical processes of dialogue and education to non-violence, such as Nonviolent Communication Marshall Rosenberg, are part of that context. Widely spread in France and in several European countries, Humanistic Mediation, object of this study, inspired by the Greek tragedy it develops through a divided three-stage procedure – Theoria, Crisis and Catharsis – capable of producing the outcome conflictual node. This experience, practiced and disseminated by CMFM (Centre Médiation et de Formation à la Médiation) of Paris, has shown great success with the Attorney General of Paris, solving about 80% of the conflicts presented.
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