Las Investigaciones Sociojurídicas Acerca de la Eficacia y Efectividad del Derecho; Algunas Alternativas Metodológicas
Juridical Sociology, efficacy of the laws, effectiveness of the juridical norms, efficiency of the laws, realization of the Right, inefficacy of the lawsAbstract
One of the fundamental topics of the Juridical Sociology present and future it constitutes it that of the efficacy and effectiveness of the laws, since he/she has to do with the realization of the laws and of the subjective rights of the individuals, the social groups, the companies and of other fellows, and in consequence with the genuineness of the political systems and with the sustainable economic development.
The notion has more than enough effectiveness of the Right, the differences and coincidences among efficacy of the laws, effectiveness of the juridical norms and efficiency of the laws, the juridical factors and other causes that determine the grade of effectiveness of the juridical norms and of the such subjective rights they are the fundamental questions that he offers answer presently work. This work also proposes several models that contain the dimensions and variables that should be had in all in the empiric mensuration about the effectiveness of the laws and in the determination of the juridical factors that you/they determine on the levels of effectiveness and the inefficacy of the laws.
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