Economia e Direito: Marx e Luhmann entre Crise do Capitalismo e Autopoiesis do Direito
Economy, Right, Government, Thought, Observe, Crisis, Structure, AutopoiesisAbstract
This study presents a critical analysis of economics and law in the thoughts of Marx and Luhmann within a structural and systemic cyclical perspective in observing the crisis of capitalism. The analysis proposes corroborate the understanding of system behavior across the economic crisis and the dual dispute between economics and politics. The objective is expand the discussion on this topic translating the thoughts of the authors cited in a logical construct within a real world context and forceful. Opposed technical governments, structural cyclicality presented by Marx and the explanation of what’s right in autopoietic observation of Luhmann, the crisis of capitalism, or even economic, translates into a persuasive reading impregnated power interests in the economic system that directs and leads global political decisions.
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