Desenvolvimento Sustentável: O Novo Nome da Paz
Development, Sustainable development goals, Right to Development, Full development, New International economic order, PeaceAbstract
Sustainable development is and will be the new propeller of the new worldwide economic order. In order to analyze this modern topic in international relationships, the text shows that the minimum conditions of human coexistence demands political and social politics to walk hand in hand; and that such integration able to promote full human development, be the successful road to long lasting peace. The Right to Development, whose Declaration is the legal basis of the study, adequately places the human being as the central subject of the development and has turning around mankind all aspects of international relationships. The goal is to achieve the total development of man as a whole and all mankind. The goals of sustainable development, enacted by the United Nations, presently constitute the road to have such rights become a reality as soon as possible.
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