O Direito Difuso ao Meio Ambiente Ecologicamente Equilibrado: Educação, Participação e Mobilização Social na Promoção da Tutela Ambiental
Diffuse rights, Environment, Human dignity, Education, Citizenship, Social mobilization, Social participationAbstract
Balanced environment is a diffuse right, thereby its protection interests to all the people. Considering the relevance of the environmental balance for a healthy quality of life, public participation in the environmental protection is essential. This paper was developed using the methodology of the bibliographical research, with the analysis of Brazilian legislation, as well as international documents, aiming to contribute to highlight the importance of education for an environmental citizenship in a democratic society. Under the regard of fundamental human rights, healthy environment is categorized in the so called third dimension of the human rights, and it is well known the relationship existent between the right to quality of life, the right to health and the right to live in a healthy environment. Those connections show that environmental problems are subject to public interest, so transparence is necessary as it is the access to environmental information, and also to guarantee people´s right to participate in the decision making process involving environmental issues. Education is thereby a tool to achieve social mobilization as it gives people knowledge to understand the relevance and urgency of environmental issues, as well as to understand the importance of sustainable development, and the role and duty of citizens, enterprises and government to promote sustainable development and environmental protection.
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