A Assistência Do Advogado Na Investigação Preliminar: Garantia Fundamental Ou Mera Formalidade?





Fundamental Right, Assistance of Counsel, Preliminary Investigation


This work has the objective to study whether the lawyer’s presence during the preliminary investigation constitutes a fundamental guarantee of the investigation. For this purpose, initially, considerations were drawn on fundamental rights, the origin and evolution. Then, it was analyzed the importance of the lawyer’s profession in defending the rights of the oppressed. Soon after, it was explained what is meant by the preliminary investigation in Brazilian law. In the end, we came to the conclusion that the presence and active participation of the lawyer in the criminal investigation phase is a fundamental guarantee of the human person, especially because it consistent with the constitutional principles of implementation of fundamental guarantees.


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How to Cite

Costa, D. C. A. da, & Castro, F. O. B. de. (2019). A Assistência Do Advogado Na Investigação Preliminar: Garantia Fundamental Ou Mera Formalidade?. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 5(9), 45–56. https://doi.org/10.19135/revista.consinter.00009.01



Direitos Difusos, Coletivos e Individuais Homogêneos