Legislación Desigual En Materia De Violencia Familiar





Threats, family scope, self steem, coercion, penal code, conduct, legal consequences, wife, crime, discrimination, education, personal evolution, family, sexual integrity, intimidation, man, organic law, woman, punishment, criminal policy, principle of equiality, prevention, proportionality principle, parents, couples relationships, respect, risk, safety, society, victim, physical and psychological violence


Violence in the family has become in recent years a problem that affects, in an intense way, society in general. The transcendence and dimension that this scourge has reached, has given rise to an express legislation that, in criminal matters, has restricted, in certain cases, constitutionally recognized rights to the accused. Not for that reason, we must renounce a regulation that is more coherent with the social and constitutional reality, without forgetting that we are, once again, facing a painful social and community problem.


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How to Cite

Fernández, C. Y. V. (2020). Legislación Desigual En Materia De Violencia Familiar. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 6(10), 261–275. https://doi.org/10.19135/revista.consinter.00010.12