Obstacles to the effectiveness of the right to privacy and data protection in the era of big data and artificial intelligence
Fundamental human rights, artificial intelligence, privacy, data protectionAbstract
Human beings have sought to unravel the future in the present through technological development and it is no wonder that we have heard a lot about artificial intelligence and big data. The scope of this article is to analyze the "new rights" that arise with new technologies. The main objective is to identify new obstacles to the effectiveness of fundamental human rights – especially related to privacy and data protection – and to the ideal of justice. The methodology used to prepare the article was the deductive method and the research technique was bibliographical and jurisprudential analysis. In the end, it was possible to identify as a result some obstacles to the effectiveness of fundamental human rights, such as legislative interpretation by the judiciary, discrimination based on historical data used in artificial intelligence systems, among others. As a contribution, it was possible to verify that the application and interpretation of the law is closely linked to the effectiveness of fundamental rights and what we mean by justice.
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