The asset protection of limited liability partners




First and second paragraphs of article 1052 of the Civil Code, Benefit of Order to members, Article 1024 of the Civil Code, Article 82-A of Law No. 11,101 of 2005


A recurring theme, which still raises discussions, the personal responsibility of the partners for the obligations of the company in which they participate, especially when the premise of limited liability is present, must be better understood. The allocation of risks, natural to business activity, certainly has to take into account the hypotheses in which the personal assets of the partners are responsible for any social debts, and this analysis depends directly on the definition of the boundaries that limit this responsibility. This is an issue of great importance, under the usual comparison between the necessary security for the smooth flow of business relations, and the prestige of the constitutional principle of free initiative, translated, in this case, into certain equity guarantees for those who venture to participate in a business society.



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Author Biography

Luís Inácio Carneiro Filho, Faculdade de Direito de Sorocaba

Advogado, Doutor em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Professor de Direito Empresarial da Faculdade de Direito de Sorocaba.


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How to Cite

Carneiro Filho, L. I. (2024). The asset protection of limited liability partners. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 10(18), 969–984.