Responsibility for moral damage as ethical conduct for future generations




Environmental Law, Environmental Damage, Liability, Repair Damage, Damage Morale


The object of this rehearsal is to do an approach of the civil responsibility for environmental damage, and to allow the discussion on the reparation of the environmental moral damage. The representative adopted expressly the theory of the administrative risk (risk servant), based on the Public Administration Responsibility; there is no theory of integral risk that conditions the responsibility of the Public Power and which aims at damaging due to the Co-missive or Omission activity. In each concrete case the proof of two presupposed should exist; the existence of the environmental damage and causal connection, with the action or omission of the assumed responsible that has given efficient cause for the event, capable to generate the damage to be compensated.


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Author Biography

Jalusa Prestes Abaide, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Pós-doutorado em direito pela USEK/Líbano - Doutora em direito pela UB/Espanha – Membro Fundador e Sócia da APRODAB - Membro integrante do MEC/BASis/INEP/CTAA – Professora da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria 


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How to Cite

Abaide, J. P. (2024). Responsibility for moral damage as ethical conduct for future generations. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 10(18), 985–1000.