Freedom of choice in the international agency contrat




International commercial agency contract, parties' autonomy, conflict of laws rule, uniformisation of international law


The agency contract, which can be defined as the one governing the relationship between the agent and the principal, was born with the evolution of trade and the natural need for business expansion on national or international territory. Indeed, the impossibility of opening an establishment in all territories, in addition to other obstacles such as language, make the commercial agent an important and common figure, particularly in the context of international trade. Thus, this study will problematize the question of the current place of parties' autonomy in international commercial agency contracts within the European Union (EU) and Mercosur and its importance, given the absence of a uniform international law in this area. Based on a review of the specialized literature, case law and positive law, the study confirms that parties' autonomy still has a limited place in the legal order, particularly in the countries of the Mercosur.


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How to Cite

Lage, D. A. G., & Oliveira, M. F. de. (2023). Freedom of choice in the international agency contrat . Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 9(16), 489.