New causes of discrimination at work in the light of Law 15/2022, of 12 july, on equal treatment and non-discrimination


  • Macarena Ángel Quiroga Doctora en Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Contratada Posdoctoral Universidad complutense de Madrid – UCM, Madrid, España.



equality, non-discrimination, causes, society, change, dignity, Labour Law, law, jurisprudence


The aim of this article focuses on exposing and analysing the current problems in labour law arising from the introduction of a series of new causes of discrimination included in Law 15/2022, of 12 July, on equal treatment and non-discrimination. This research aims to study the implications that this law will have for the employment relationship between worker and employer. To this end, the method used consisted, firstly, of a historical review of the protection of the rights to equality and non-discrimination in national and international norms in order to analyse the changes that have taken place in relation to the object of protection by these norms and the new grounds for protection related to the profound changes that have occurred in society. On the basis of this study, the conclusion has been reached that, as society progresses, different problems or situations affecting people, which are new or which have always existed but have not been protected, must be addressed by the law. The basic solution lies in the protection of the dignity of persons as such and in the opening up of the rules to cover new situations that arise in society and which require their defence.


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How to Cite

Quiroga, M. Ángel. (2023). New causes of discrimination at work in the light of Law 15/2022, of 12 july, on equal treatment and non-discrimination. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 9(16), 433.