The human right to social assistance for elderly people and BPC brazilian´s payload credit
Social assistance, Human Rights, Hyper Vulnerability, Old people, Payroll loansAbstract
Based on questions about the human right to social assistance for the elderly, especially the most vulnerable, who are favored by the continuous provision benefit (BPC), this work aims to investigate the panorama of payroll loans in this assistance support, in Brazil contemporary. It should be noted that the lack of academic production on the subject and the great social repercussion, with international and national relevance, justify the importance of this text. In this way, based on systematic methodology with bibliographical and documentary research, the article seeks to problematize and identify what is available in the international and Brazilian normative order, especially at the infraconstitutional level, which provide reflections for the discussion, in the current Brazilian scenario, and as a result the need for protection of hyper-vulnerable elderly people, given some demographic parameters, over-indebtedness and payroll loans.
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