Main changes of the second chance mechanism introduced by law 16/2022, reform of the consolidated text of the bankruptcy law




Second chance, Consolidated Text of the Brankruptcy Law, discharge of debt


The second chance mechanism, which allows the exoneration of some of the debts under certain conditions, has been subject to various relevant modifications by Law 16/2022, reforming the Consolidated Text of the Bankruptcy Law. The objective of this work is to analyze, based on authorized doctrine these modifications, since it is based on the hypothesis that some of them are not clear enough, although some others deserve a positive assessment. It is concluded that the reform is open to criticism regarding the determination of the conditions required of the debtor in order to qualify for the discharge. However, we consider that the elimination of the previous liquidation and the satisfaction of a part of the credits as requirements to access the discharge of debt deserve a positive assessment. Finally, an assessment is made on the modification related to the debts that can be subject to exoneration. Despite the fact that there is an expansion of the same, and the fact that part of the exonerated credit corresponds to public debt may seem like progress, a careful reading of the precept that regulates it allows us to affirm that an important part of this credit is not exonerated, which can have a negative effect for the debtor, since the amount of this debt is usually relevant.


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Author Biography

Judith Morales Barceló, Universitat de Barcelona

Profesora Agregada de Derecho Mercantil. Doctora en Derecho Mercantil. Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona. España. 08034. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Barceló, J. M. (2023). Main changes of the second chance mechanism introduced by law 16/2022, reform of the consolidated text of the bankruptcy law. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 9(17), 647.