Aspectos Atuais e Problemáticos no Âmbito da Responsabilidade do Provedor de Serviços em Face do Meio Ambiente Digital no Direito Ambiental Brasileiro e Espanhol
Digital environment, Responsibility of Internet Service Provider, Comparative lawAbstract
This paper analyze the issues of the responsibility of Internet Service Provider in the face of the digital environment in the information society. To do this, the authors postulate the existence of digital design environment as an aspect of the environment considered holistically. From this premise, the article brings up two controversial issues on the subject of the information society, namely: the objective responsibility of solidarity between provider and third part to do the grievance and the existence of personality rights in collision between freedom of information and right to privacy, image, intimacy and honor. In addition, the analysis will be guided under the sieve of the study time, by a judgment issued by the Supreme Court, assuming constitutional and normative analysis infra (Civil Framework for Internet). Primary Brazilian and Spain law, is important to highlight, the civil framework for internet, can not exceed the dictates of the Brazilian Federal Constitution and the consumer protection code, because of this situation would generate subversion of the principles of human dignity and the rights of consumers already consolidated. The method used is the inductive, with doctrinal and jurisprudential research.
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