A Interpretação da Linguagem do Direito no Brasil e em Espanha
Law, justice, rule, performative utterance, constative utteranceAbstract
This study aims to address the interpretation of the legal standard within the linguistic utterance. Understanding the rule of law not only involves the semantic, lexical, morphological, syntactic analysis but also the understanding of language that results from human experience. Within this set of requirements analysis for the hermeneutics of rule of law, the principle of clarity of legislative acts turns out to be the first threshold, insurmountable and certain in the various legal systems of all the countries, whether in Spain, either in Brazil or in Portugal, as a constative utterance. But the technical complexity of legal discourse, the duty imposed by the judge is so airtight that the rule departs from the human language, contrary to its object: the conformation of the conduct of human beings under the rule, in case of default. Only one understood norm could do justice. The distance between language and the law can not be greater than human understanding otherwise it will not be valid, precisely because the performative nature’s of the sentences and the language.
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