Comercio Justo: ¿Contradictio in Adiecto?


  • Tatsiana Ushakova Abogada, Doctora en Derecho, Profesora Asociada en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y en la Universidad de Alcalá, acreditada por la ANECA como Profesora Titular de Universidad en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas.



fair trade, dialectical method, critical theory, WTO, WFTO


This study aims to analyze the concept of “fair trade” in three very different areas of knowledge. The reflection is built around three “variations” inspired by almost incompatible sources. The first variation presents an approach to fair trade from the linguistic perspective and raises the possibility of considering the term as an oxymoron by analogy with the term “cultural industry” coined by Horkheimer and Adorno and, somehow, deprived of existence today. The second variation takes the above reasoning from a philosophical angle anchored in the critical theory as a starting point, and with reference to the idea of negation typical of Hegel’s dialectic. Finally, the third variation is based on legal arguments, building opposition between the ideas of “global trade” from the intergovernmental approach of the WTO, and “fair trade” from the platform of the WFTO.

However, this contribution does not intend to give an answer, but look for it. What is the meaning of fair trade? Is it an oxymoron that allows “the estheticization of social reality”? Is it an object of dialectical analysis? Is it a myth in the context of global trade?


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How to Cite

Ushakova, T. (2016). Comercio Justo: ¿Contradictio in Adiecto?. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 2(2), 369–392.



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