Tateando o Real Concreto: Cooperativismo Popular e Pesca Artesanal na Região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul
Fisherfolk, Cooperatives popular, Participation and recognitionAbstract
This article seeks to address the issue of organization of work in artisanal fisheries in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to qualify the information on the potential and limits of Cooperatives and People’s Solidarity Economy in sustainable development in the region. One perspective of analysis is to investigate across the social policies of Lula/Dilma’s Government for fisheries development. For both categories is necessary to work as a territory, fishing and sustainability, and Cooperatives and People’s Solidarity Economy. The locus for reality check presented is the region of the municipalities of Rio Grande, pellets and other of the extreme South of Brazil, home to most of the Patos Lagoon Estuary, workspace and the lives of most artisanal fishermen and their community organizations. It is worth noting that all organizations have observed early in the political struggles of fishermen as subjects for his statement and the subject of political action, increased participation in public policy and social recognition. The article covers the organization of the Network Marketing Fish communities and between community groups, cooperatives and associations from a methodology that includes the analysis of reality, theoretical reflection on the illustration and a proposed intervention to the problems and potential appreciated. In this sense, the final consideration for the possibility of legal and economic considerations are based on concrete reality of popular organization and riverside fishing.
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