Violação no Casamento Enquanto Forma do Crime de Violência Doméstica


  • Isa Filipa António de Sousa Doutorada em Direito Administrativo/Contratação Pública. Mestre em Direito Administrativo. Pós-graduada em Contratação Pública. Investigadora no Centro de Estudos em Direito da União Europeia (Universidade do Minho) e no Instituto Jurídico Portucalense (Universidade Portucalense). Prof.ª Adjunta Convidada no Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo, Porto. Consultora jurídica.



marriage, violation, domestic violence, gender equality, sexual self-determination of women


This paper deals with one of the forms of violence against women during marriage that is rarely valued by society in general and the courts in particular: violation of the woman-spouse. In fact, disrespect for sexual self-determination, freedom and equality of women in the marital context has been underestimated because society understands the “conjugal act” as one of the woman’s duties as “wife”, making no sense that the refusal to having sex with her husband and imposing his will on hers is configured as a crime of rape. We disagree entirely with this understanding and offer various solutions and measures to protect the woman-victim.


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How to Cite

Sousa, I. F. A. de. (2017). Violação no Casamento Enquanto Forma do Crime de Violência Doméstica. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 3(5), 151–164.