La Propagación De La Nulidad En El Ámbito De La Infracción Del Derecho De La Competencia




Nullity, Competition law. Related contracts, Compensation for damages


The purpose of this article is to analyze the propagation of the nullity for infringement of the Competition Law. For this, after analyzing the basis of nullity, the paper analyzes how the propagation of nullity is not the correct solution in all related contracts. In some cases the solution will be the compensation of damages for infringement of the Competition Law exercised by the injured against the infringing undertaking, even though it has no direct contractual relationship with it, but not the nullity.


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How to Cite

Miravalls, J. M. (2019). La Propagación De La Nulidad En El Ámbito De La Infracción Del Derecho De La Competencia. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 5(9), 621–635.