A Coordenação Regulatória Sobre Procedimentos Estéticos Autorizados Pelos Conselhos Profissionais Da Saúde: O Papel Do Judiciário Brasileiro


  • Mayrinkellison Peres Wanderley Advogado, Especialista em Direito Empresarial (FGV-Rio) e Direito da Saúde (PUC-Rio) e Mestrando em Direito da Regulação pela FGV-RJ https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2905-0872
  • Raphael Corrêa Advogado, Doutor em Direito Processual Civil pela PUC de São Paulo, Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Cândido Mendes – Centro/RJ, Professor do IBMEC/RJ. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7067-3073




Professionals councils, Regulatory coordination, Judiciary, Cosmiatry, Regulation


Aesthetic procedures are a reality in today’s society. In this field, medicine and the health sciences quickly absorbed this market, and the professional councils were quick to publish Resolutions to regulate such activity, always emphasizing the legitimacy of their member to practice aesthetic dermatology or cosmiatry. The conflicts arising from the lack of regulatory coordination and have reached the Judiciary, which has been the institution elected by the councils to resolve the controversies arising from the superposition of attributions edited through its rules and regulations. Its decisions, however, have not been sufficient or have not met the imperative need for regulatory coordination of this sector of the economy and professional activity. The present article intends to present the normative bases generated by the professional councils to authorize their associates to exercise the aesthetic dermatology and how the Judiciary has judged such demands. It concludes by the need to forge a model of regulatory coordination that promotes an interaction between the councils as a measure to consider the current system of self-regulation of professional councils in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Wanderley, M. P., & Corrêa, R. (2019). A Coordenação Regulatória Sobre Procedimentos Estéticos Autorizados Pelos Conselhos Profissionais Da Saúde: O Papel Do Judiciário Brasileiro. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 5(9), 581–601. https://doi.org/10.19135/revista.consinter.00009.31